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A Brief Biography of the Artist and His Concepts

Masaya Sawada was born in Tokyo in 1986. He received his Ph.D. in Art from Tama Art University in 2014. Sawada's objective in his creative activities is to unravel the "in-between" relationship that occurs between humans and works of art, and to document this mechanism in his works. From 2016 to 2021, Sawada served as an educator at the National Art Center, Tokyo, where he engaged in educational outreach activities to understand artworks outside his own field and to connect museum visitors with artworks.


In recent years, Sawada has been thinking about artworks that create "places" to connect people. For example, art festivals and art projects are attempting to create places for people to experience art, but because they are transient events, they do not necessarily provide continuous opportunities for interaction. In response, he is currently preparing a series of artworks titled "caravan". This series is a project that uses vacant lots in the city to provide opportunities for workshops like catering cars, and as an educational device to connect people, and as a place for mobile co-creation, it is a project that will shake up places where artistic activities are held.


In the "crate" artwork series, a collaborative work with a gallery, suitcases with the motif of boxes (crates) used to pack artworks are deployed at each destination, challenging the possibility of a device that can be operated as a mobile gallery.

​current job

Tama Art University

Tokyo, Japan

Part-time teacher

​《Caravan No.2_Co-Creation Space》, 2023
​《Crate No.2_Mobile Gallery》, 2021

Metal Hammering


Formative Education

Museum Education

2010 - present
2010 - present

© 2016- Masaya Sawada

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